The Legal House For Business People
We develop personal strategy for your business growing
Overview of Our Services
In addition to providing legal services, our team is known for our pro-active approach and sincere desire to assist clients in finding innovative and creative solutions to difficult problems. We strive to balance the minimization of legal risk with commercially sound and cost-effective solutions to legal problems. We remain ever eager to render our services whenever and wherever they are needed and to build long-lasting relationships with our clientele .
Trademark Services
Trade Mark: A trade mark can be a word, logo, symbol, label, shape, smell, combination of colours etc. and acts as a source indicator and refers to the origin of goods or services.
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Design Services
While You Wait or Same Day Service If you decide not to proceed the repair of your laptop, we will pay you cash to buy it and return your hard drive or transfer data for you.
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Copyright Services
Meaning of Copyright.— For the purposes of this Act, “copyright” means the exclusive right subject to the provisions of this Act, to do or authorise the doing of any of the following acts in respect of a work or any substantial part thereof, namely:—
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Patent Services
What can be patented:Any new innovation in the realms of chemistry , chemical technology, engineering, non-conventional energy generation, medicine, polymer, paints, pigments, biotechnology and such other fields having industrial application.More